Happy 2012!

>> Sunday, January 01, 2012

What do you hope to accomplish in 2012? Of course you should be setting goals when the moment occurs, not save them all for one day. However, sometimes we get so absorbed with our routines that we tend to forget to take a step back. New Year's Day gives us a chance to reflect and find room for improvement. Here are my goals for 2012.

1. Blog on a regular basis. This was actually my goal for 2011. As I was looking through past posts, I realized I didn't post too many recipes. Blogging can be a job in itself, especially when you have a full-time job on top of that. Then you add on all that extra food in a house of one (just me!), it becomes a bit of a challenge. If you do enjoy what you read and I haven't updated in awhile, be sure to follow me on Twitter because I update there every day.

2. Understand my DSLR camera. I've always been attracted to taking pictures whenever I travel. This past October, my friend was selling his Canon Rebel at a good price, so I bought it on a whim. I've found some really good resources, which I've pinned on my Pinterest board. You do not need an account to access the links. I'm planning a major trip to the Grand Canyon in May, so I need to learn as much as I can and possibly buy a new lens (any suggestions?).

3.Focus more on cooking. Sure, I'm a great baker and I do cook meals from scratch, but when I was watching Top Chef the other day, they did mother sauces for the Quick Fire. I only knew one, and even then I'd have to look it up. I also don't know how to cook most meats. I have a great selection of non-baking cookbooks that will hopefully expand my knowledge.

Those are my main ones. I have little goals here and there, such as some craft projects, but those goals will be set as the year goes on.

So what are your thoughts for 2012? What did you accomplish in 2011? What are your goals for 2012? Do you have any advice or tips for my goals?

Quote graphics are from Pinterest.


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